Friday, January 20, 2012

DAY 12 - Looking for Some Variety!

Good morning! Ok, so some people have accused me of typing a little too much information in my blog (leigh leigh leigh) BUT I will have to say that this whole blogging thing has been so good for me, aside from the calorie counting. I am going to try to eat some new and different things today. My 430 am bar, however, remains the same (peanut butter today-a new flavor-110calories) because that's really all I have time for in the morning. I am home now and decided to have an apple, cheese stick, and a cappuccino. Yes, I know I have eaten this before but I am really learning some things as I double-check calories. The variety is coming for lunch. The MBB 525 gals have suggested a place called the Pantry to try for place, near Yucatan. I am going to give it a try and concentrate on their organic veggies (I tried the brussel sprout recipe and was surprised to learn that they are actually quite tasty). OK, back to the apple and cheese stick. The cheese stick (preferred snack of many, many preschoolers) has 70 calories, 8g protein and essentially no carbs (1 g but translated to 0%-go figure). The apple (med) has 95 calories, 25 g carbs, and high in fiber. Interestingly, the SKIN is where all the good stuff is...the antioxidants, the fiber, and the pectin (which helps us rid our bodies of unwanted toxins). If you remove the skin (or just don't eat it), you MISS OUT on all this but are left with the sweet, yummy inside (and a few less calories). Oh and the cappuccino is 60 glorious calories (which by the way, and contrary to what Katie C at MBB says, I DO NOT drink them before the 525am class!). On a side note, it was great to be outside and we took advantage of the weather and did a little cone to cone running, with a few FUN things on the end. They rocked it!!!

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