Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 13 Winners and Losers

And the winners are..........all the bootcampers who ran the Village to Village Run this morning in the rain!! Way to go girls! Also the Spartanettes ( JH dance team) took 1st place in their division of the state competition!!! Biggest loser? I am because I broke a couple of rules of Everygirlfitness. Major rule #1- eat breakfast - broken. Major rule # 2 - eat every three hours - broken. Excuse #1- had to get the dancer out the door early and forgot to grab a bar or yogurt. Look, there is a lot of drama that comes with dance, hair, make-up, earrings, booty shorts. So I sat from 8:30 to 12:30 drinking water. As soon as the big trophy was awarded to the Spartans, we hit Urban Cookhouse for veggie and chicken quesadilla (500). Getting back on track...I had two baby bells and some grapes a couple of hours later (200).

Dinner was pork loin roasted (200), cucumber, tomato and feta salad (150), wine (130), and one spoonful of the family's mashed potatoes (50??). Also had one more glass on wine(140) and about 10 pistachio nuts(40). Did ya notice my second glass of wine had more calories? I topped it off knowing it was going to be my last one til next weekend.

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