Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day Eight Continued (on day nine-this is becoming a bad habit!)

Ok...I have put this thing off long enough! Day 8 started out fine...back on the 80 of it all...going to get with the program...stay on track...blah blah blah! Look, it is hard to have a January birthday (especially right after the holidays) and I had one more celebration last night with friends! I went to the party/Mah Jonng game without eating dinner (mistake) so I was testing out all the munchies. My friend who hosted did a great job serving us healthy snacks (for the most part). I had 10 or so wheat thins (maybe a pita chip-it's hard to say), fruit, bean dip. But then there was this melted brie appetizer with some type of jelly/jam on top. It was to die for! Of course, I had to have some (it would have been rude, right?). Anyway, as best I can guess, I probably had around 300-350 calories in the food. That doesn't sound too bad...but then there was wine and shoot!, more cake. So after a really, really big glass of wine (told them to make it a good one since I was only having "one") and a piece of chocolate cake, my blogging day was finally over (and my birthday!). Thanks Goodness! Oh I am guessing the wine added another 200-250 calories and the cake, who knows??? I did continue to drink water all day so I improved on that account. NO MORE CAKE FOR ME!!!

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